GridIntellect offers a range of consulting services focused on the energy transition including DER aggregation and Clean Energy Research.
GridIntellect offers a range of consulting services focused on the energy transition:
EnergyIoT Reference Architecture and Strategy
Today’s top-down, one-way electricity architecture is changing. We invented the EnergyIoT Reference Architecture and can help your organization transition to a modern, scalable, standards-driven, DER-friendly architecture that simplifies integration with Behind-the-Meter customer assets.
DER Aggregator Consulting
Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) are a commercial solution that can be operated by utilities or third-party DER Aggregators. Utilities and third parties can provide grid services and participate in markets with the correct strategy, architecture, and integration with centralized systems. GridIntellect and its partners have the consulting and implementation experience to make your business efficient and successful in building and maintaining these Energy as a Service (EaaS) services.
Clean Energy Research
GridIntellect is a recognized thought leader and an award-winning company in energy transformation and climate change mitigation. The 2021 Cleanie Awards® COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTOR OF THE YEAR GOLD PLACE WINNER and numerous articles on Energy Central are just some of the credentials we bring to your organization to help become Clean Energy leaders.
Microgrid Business Strategy
As natural and man-made disasters become more frequent and intense, many companies are looking for ways to ensure energy assurance. Our team has helped both startups and large multinational energy vendors develop their strategy, create system architectures, and manage programs to manage distributed microgrids from a centralized network operations center.
Utility And ISO Decarbonization Strategy
Turn Distributed Energy Resource integration into an opportunity instead of a problem. Our decarbonization workshop series establishes a vision for DER visibility and situational awareness, identifies technology needs, organizational changes, new business services, and unlocks the power of modern EnergyIoT architectures and digitalization strategies.
EV Fleet Charging Infrastructure Integration
GridIntellect is the industry leader in providing utilities and auto companies with transportation microgrid architecture concepts that integrate with EV fleet charging logistic systems and utility grid services.
Distribution System Operator
Distributed Energy Resources bring new challenges and opportunities for utility organizations. Establishing the correct organizational structure to align with new business services and strategies is imperative to success and GridIntellect is here to help.